WARNING: Crisis looming for our schools.

Almost 40% of Colorado’s educators are considering leaving the profession in the near future.*

40% of licensed educators and 33% of education support professionals are considering leaving the education profession.
38% of educators in metro area school districts and 42% in non-metro area school districts are considering leaving the education profession.
Across all age groups, educators are considering leaving the education profession in large numbers.

*According to over 5,000 survey responses from a December 2020 survey of Colorado Education Association members.

When our educators leave, we all lose — especially our students. Legislators can help avert this crisis by:
  • Increasing Revenue
  • Ensuring our Safety
  • Postponing High-Stakes Standardized Testing

Send a message to your legislator right now.

Help our students and keep Colorado educators in the profession.

Educators most frequently cited unmanageable workload, unsafe working conditions due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and low pay as their top reasons for considering leaving.

Overwhelming Workload

“I don’t know how much longer I can work 70 hour weeks while being criticized constantly by my district and the public.”

Unsafe Working Conditions

“It feels like all my efforts are unappreciated simply because kids aren’t sitting in a classroom. I am so angry with the way this has been handled (across the country), and how getting students in school is valued more than my life and the life of my family.”

Low Pay

“Tired of being treated like an underpaid babysitter and treated like a babysitter. Tired of not being treated like a professional.”

Lack of Respect

“For the entire economy to rest on the backs of the lowest paid profession (with multiple college degrees) is no longer acceptable. Teachers are professionals who have earned a seat at the table when decisions regarding their workplace are being made.”

Call on Colorado legislators to avert this crisis.

Send a letter to your legislators right now.